Monday, December 5, 2011
How To Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure Levels By Changing Lifestyle
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Besides, there's numbers in a BP reading that indicates the force of blood on entry & exit from the heart. &, these numbers are termed systolic & diastolic, respectively. In addition, the doctors write these numbers as a fraction in which, number on the top will choose the systolic pressure, & number in the bottom will choose the diastolic pressure. Moreover, the normal systolic & diastolic reading will be 120/80. In addition, if the reading is over the normal, it is regarded as hypertension, which can badly affect the general health of the body.
To maintain healthy blood pressure levels is important because of its effects on overall functioning of the organs, & it is also essential for the wellbeing. Moreover, taking a blood pressure reading is painless, & straightforward. Furthermore, a doctor wraps a cuff around the arm &, inflates it & deflates it to choose the force of the circulating blood in the body.
one. It is important to quit smoking to maintain healthy blood pressure levels. Moreover, there is a compound Nicotine in the tobacco that affects the arteries. In addition, it can thicken the walls of arteries & veins due to which lots of illnesses may occur, for example heart condition. Also, it affects the lungs due to which, lung's capacity to collect oxygen decreases. Furthermore, excessive smoking also intoxicates the bloodstream.
There's lots of ways to maintain healthy blood pressure levels but, only important tips are mentioned ahead that can effectively control the force of the circulating blood in the body.
three. Individuals who are fat must lose some weight to maintain healthy blood pressure levels. Moreover, by maintaining weight according to you height & age is of utmost importance. On the other hand, being both, fat or underweight may lead to lots of illnesses by disturbing the blood circulation.
two. Individuals who require to maintain healthy BP levels must cease drinking alcohol. Moreover, alcohol interferes with the functioning of the organs, brain. In addition, it also affects the circulation of blood. Besides, it can minimize the body's capability to excrete waste products & toxins, which can affect the circulation of blood.
five. Exercising for at least 30 minutes on regular basis is of utmost importance, since it is essential to workout to maintain healthy blood pressure levels. Also, avoid sedentary lifestyle to keep the body fit. In addition, exercise will strengthen the organs of the body which is important for long life.
four. The largest device to maintain healthy blood pressure levels is healthy diet. Moreover, including various fruits, nuts, & green leafy vegetables in the diet will show to be beneficial. Also, include wholegrain in the diet to regulate the force of the blood.
In conclusion, it is simple to maintain healthy blood pressure levels by changing the lifestyle & eating habits. But, amongst everything, it is important to live an active life. Besides, the mentioned tips are useful in regulating the blood pressure as well as to live a healthy life without getting bothered by any diseases.
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This post was written by:ahmedslem
Franklin Manuel is a professional blogger, web designer and front end web developer. Follow him on Twitter
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