Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Herbal treatment of colon
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Has become the inflammation of the colon or irritable bowel diseases common in our time so that the general public give him the word that they say he has unified the colon, and common symptoms that we know we are living with colitis:
Herbal treatment of colonAbdominal pain or cramps in the abdomen:This may be a pain in the left side of the upper abdomen, which makes the patient feels that he is infected with the liver or may be the right side upper abdomen, which makes the patient suspects that he has something in the heart. In our Eastern colon phenomenon is widespread and perhaps the reason is the abundance of meat, spices and ghee, and different kinds of fats, food, foundry and food and chilli frigate.
Herbal treatment of colonGAS:I always complain patient colon sense of the presence of air within the abdomen and wishes the patient out as a burp or through the anus until the improve patient comfort and burping is the exit of air from the stomach, strong and fast for saliva opening muscle bottom of the esophagus and that happens votes troublesome patient may feel embarrassed.
Herbal treatment of colonSwelling:A gas filled colon, an offer is always the patient complained of the colon and the source gases ingested by the patient or the result of fermentation of food colitis may be caused by gas fermenting food, odorless or smell unpleasant.
Herbal treatment of colonThe smell of the mouth:After making sure that the smell is not a source of gums, mouth or lungs and the exclusion of the smell of acetone distinctive diabetes must look at the quality of the food covered by the patient's Eating foods heterogeneous or large amounts of certain foods occurs fermentation colon, leading to the smell, especially with the presence of constipation and removed this smell the demise of constipation.
Herbal treatment of colonConstipation:Is a symptom of colon is more common in women than in men, especially pregnant women, constipation may be a manifestation of some other diseases so you should follow your doctor to find out the reason behind it.
Herbal treatment of colonDiarrhea:Which is a symptom of colon may be a manifestation of another disease also must follow the doctor to make sure that the colon and not another disease and the patient must when you see these symptoms are not sure that the colon may be an indication of another disease, therefore, to be sure your physician and there are some behaviors in life help to get rid of the problems of the colon, including:1 - away from the emotion and tension.2 - and away from fat foods and Almspkh frigate.3 - less tea, coffee and soft drinks.4 - to eat three meals and moderate amounts does not lead to a full stomach.5 - the introduction of sports in life and treatment system known in the general medicine of the colon depends on giving:ü softeners.ü Anti-shrinkable.ü anti-diarrhea which is working to reduce the number of times bowel movements
We have found that peppermint oil and oil caraway is the greatest cure for abdominal pain and Oil Chamomile flower an effective influence in eliminating the bacteria, abdominal pain and bring peace of mind, so we selected a group of natural herbs such as, for example but not limited to the herb rhubarb, chamomile, and caraway and many other things were mixed with some specific rates and drug abuse is a tablespoon of boiled mixture of these herbs with water and desalination demand and drink the patient and is done three times a day, and has given this mixture of herbs comfort and healing of the colon far surpassed all types of traditional medicines
This post was written by:ahmedslem
Franklin Manuel is a professional blogger, web designer and front end web developer. Follow him on Twitter
1 Responses to “Herbal treatment of colon”
December 29, 2012 at 2:14 AM
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