Wednesday, November 30, 2011
animated blue butterfly symbol for the ABC Article Directory Is Herbal Acne Treatment Really Effective In Curing Pimples And Scars?
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Applying olive leaf extract on affected areas is among the best herbal acne treatments effective in curing pimples and scars. Long term result without zero side effects is a main advantage of .
using olive leaf extract. It is an effective home cure prescribed for those people suffering from pimples and scars. Antibacterial property enriched in olive leaf extract neutralizes skin infections and prevents pimple formation. This is a ideal skin care used for improving the general health of skin. Cicatrizing property enriched in olive leaf extract helps in curing wounds safely. Presence of active compounds in olive leaf extract like oleanolic acid and flavonoids improves the health of connective tissues and boosts skin health. Olive leaf extract is also widely known for its anti-oxidant properties. It scavenges free radicals and delays aging impact on skin.
Acne is among the common skin issues affecting face, back and chest part of body. This skin disorder can be divided in to different types like mild, moderate or extreme. In general case, scars on skin surface are chiefly caused by extreme acne. In order to prevent scars, it is recommended to treat acne soon after its appearance. Common causes contributing for acne trouble include dirt, oily food, pressure and extended use of sure drugs. If left unconsidered, this skin trouble may even effect on psychological health of person causing low self- esteem level. Today there's several new technologies used for curing pimples and scars. Among them, herbal treatment is found to be as a safe herbal treatment for curing acne troubles. Best herbal acne treatment clears skin and prevents the reoccurrence of blackheads, whiteheads and pimples. Herbal ingredients present in products fights against microorganisms, nourishes skin cells and helps in delivering pretty clear skin.
Neem, a common ingredient in ayurvedic medicines is an effective herbal treatment in curing pimples and scars. Anti- bacterial property enriched in neem extract fights against bacterial infections and cures pimples. At present, you can basically get herbal products from medical stores in the type of cream, lotion, soap, capsules, powders and as teas. Application of neem oil on affected area reduces redness and swelling due to pimple formation. It provides surplus amount of nutrients to skin cells and makes skin healthy and glowing. Mint juice, dandelion root, burdock and sarsaparilla are other safe herbal acne treatment in curing pimples and scars.
Oatmeal is an effective herbal acne treatment in curing pimples and scars. It removes excess oil present on skin surface and prevents acne formation due to oily skin. You can directly apply this herbal cure on affected area. Active compounds present in oatmeal absorb oil from pores and makes your skin cleaned. For achieving best result, it is recommended to apply a combination of honey and oatmeal on affected area. It eliminates dead cells andmakes your skin soft and glowing. Patientssuffering from pimples and scars are advised to apply oatmeal mixture on affected areas for about0 to0 minutes period per day. In order to keep away from irritation, patients are also advised to cover their eye lids with tea bags.
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This post was written by:ahmedslem
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