Friday, December 16, 2011
How the placebo effect can be used in health care and treatment
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Placebo, from Latin (I shall ) has been the main treatment that physicians have offered to their patients since ancient medical history. This was done with the sole purpose to activate the internal natural capability of individuals to fight illnesses. This can be observed in shamanistic healing where the healing capacity is placed on objects & rituals.
Based on some medical records, from the beginnings of the 1800s until the second half of the twentieth century, placebos were regularly administered to up to 80% of patients when no effective cure for their signs was obtainable, Placebos were also used in patients whom doctors perceived as difficult as well.
Placebos were used to check controversial medical treatments (mesmerism & homeopathy), all through the nineteenth century, & involved withholding information, about the exact treatment being studied, from patients. For example, homeopathic cures were substituted with a placebo substance without approved knowledge of the patient.
The effectiveness of placebo therapy departs from the patient´s confidence in the efficacy of the substance given in the therapy. The placebo effect has been well documented in a variety of conditions such as arthritis, & headaches. Although the signs of the patient doesn´t appear to have improved after taking the placebo, the confidence in the treatment will give them a feeling of self improvement over time.
The first documented clinical study in the United States was performed in the second decade of the twentieth century by scientists from the University Medical School in New York. They present in a study on an angina drug that patients who got a placebo in lieu of the angina drug experienced an improvement in their signs.
Placebos are only therapeutically valuable only if the patient believes they will do them some nice. If a patient chooses to be treated by a doctor they trust & respect; there will be higher chances that the individual will perceive any treatment given by the doctor as having more beneficial effects.
Placebos are often used in scientific research to decide the efficacy of new treatments & medication. A group of chosen random individuals (the control group) are given a placebo (water or sugar-based substance), while the remainder of the subjects are given the actual therapy. None of them know which group they belong to in the coursework of the study & so do the researchers who do not have any idea of where the individuals slot in each group (double blind check).
The use of placebo in scientific research involves the whole consent of the people under study. They must be informed that there exists a fifty/fifty possibility of receiving a placebo in lieu of the treatment under study. Ethically, a patient ought to not be given a placebo if there is no therapeutic value & there's other obtainable treatments that could feasible benefit the patient better.
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This post was written by:ahmedslem
Franklin Manuel is a professional blogger, web designer and front end web developer. Follow him on Twitter
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