Yves Rocher Canada

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Nearly all drug trials scientifically invalid due to influence of the mind; Big Pharma science dissolves into wishful thinking

This particular experiment involved applying heat to the legs of check subjects in order to cause pain, then adding a painkiller medication to an IV drip while assessing the subjects' pain levels. When the painkiller drug was present, the check subjects were told about it, & as expected their pain scores significantly dropped. But when check subjects were told the pain medication had been stopped, their pain levels returned back to the original, non-medicated levels although the pain medication was secretly still being dripped in to their IVs.

(NaturalNews) A brand new study in Science Translational Medicine has cast doubt over the scientific validity of very all randomized, double-blind placebo controlled studies involving pharmaceuticals used on human beings. It turns out that lots of pharmaceuticals only work because people expect them to, not because they have any "real" chemical effect on the body. As you'll see here, when check subjects were told that they were not receiving painkiller medications -- although they were -- the medication proved to be valueless.

The mind of the patient, in other words, is what actually determines the "effectiveness" of the pain drug, not the chemical effect of the drug itself.

Speaking to the BBC, Professor Irene Tracey from Oxford University said, "It's phenomenal, it is icy. It is of the best analgesics they have & the brain's influence can either vastly increase its effect, or remove it." (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-12...).

As pointed out by George Lewith, a professor of health research at the University of Southampton, these findings call in to query the scientific validity of lots of randomized clinical trials. They said, "It blows chilled randomized clinical trials, which don't take in to account expectation."
Many pharmaceuticals only work in case you think they do
What the research means, you see, is that the mind is the main determiner of the effectiveness of plenty of drugs, not the so-called chemical profile of the drugs themselves. This has been proven out plenty of times with not painkiller drugs, but also with antidepressant drugs which have consistently failed to out-perform placebo. (http://www.naturalnews.com/022723.html)

But it all brings up a query: If plenty of pharmaceuticals only work because the mind makes them actual, then why do some drugs appear to out-perform placebo in clinical trials?

The patients make actual whatever expectation they got when they were recruited for the drug trial in the first place. Even the act of recruiting people for drug trials sets an expectation in their minds. Patients, after all, are recruited for a "cancer drug trial" or a "blood pressure drug trial" or some other trial in which the expected outcome is made evident in the coursework of the recruitment phase.

The answer to that will probably surprise you: It is because when people are in randomized, placebo-controlled studies, they are usually hoping to get the actual drugs, not the placebo. And how do they decide whether they are getting the "real" drugs? By the presence of negative side effects! As those side effects start to appear -- constipation, sexual disorders, nausea, headaches, etc -- then those participants persuade themselves that they received the "real" drugs! And from that point, their mind makes it actual! So the blood pressure actually then starts to go down, or their cholesterol numbers drop, and so on.

Why pharmaceutical "positive" effects are actually generated by the minds of the clinical trial participants:

This is all important to understand so I will break it down step by step:

Step two: When the trial begins, the clinical trial participants are told that half will be given the "real" drug, and the other half will be given a placebo, but it is a blind study, so no knows whether they are receiving the drug or the placebo.

Step one: Clinical trial participants are recruited through a trial that is advertised as testing a drug for a specific outcome such as lowering blood pressure, halting cancer, normalizing blood sugar, etc. This sets the expectation of the drug effects in the minds of the patients even before the trial begins.

Step four: Those participants who are receiving the actual drugs start to show poisonous side effects (because most pharmaceuticals are poisonous to the body). This excites them because they conclude that they are on the "real" drugs!

Step three: Study participants start to take the pills, but they don't know whether they are getting drugs or placebo.
Step 6: Meanwhile, those patients receiving the placebo pills and having no side effects persuade themselves that they are not receiving the "real" drugs and therefore they ought to experience no positive physiological effects. So their mind makes that actual, , and they get no benefit from the whole experience.

Step five: Those participants who conclude they are on the "real" drugs then, through the power of their minds, cause their bodies to make actual the physiological effects that were imprinted in their minds in step! Whatever drug expectation was explained to them before the trial, in other words, is suddenly made actual by the patient's mind.

As you can see here, this calls in to query the scientific validity of every randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled drug study that has ever been conducted. The critical scientific failure all of them share, you see, is that as part of the clinical trial, the researchers set the expectations of the drug's ends in the minds of the patients. It is those minds that then made the effects actual, not necessarily the drugs.

Step 7: After the finish of the clinical trial, the researchers compare the results of the placebo group against the results of the drug group, and guess what? The drug looks like it performed better! But was the drug the actual cause of that? Not at all: It was the expectations of the study subjects that made the effects actual. The drugs, in other words, only look nice because of wishful thinking.

This leads to the fascinating conclusion that in today's medical method, plenty of drugs may only work when patients expect them to because it is the patient's mind generating the physiological effects, not the drug itself.

So how do you get around this and design a scientific trial that eliminates the effect of the mind?+
You fundamentally must sign people up for a trial of a "mystery drug" with no expectation of any effects whatsoever. That way, the mind of the study participants is no longer a variable in the result of the drug trial. From there, all the various physiological effects of the patients must be tracked. With the patients' minds now out of the picture, you can get an honest assessment of the genuine chemical action of the drug itself.

How to design a scientific clinical trial using drugs
The answer to that is simpler than you think: In humans, you must eliminate the trial subjects from learning of any expectation of the drug's effects. In other words, you cannot sign patients up for a "blood pressure drug trial" because right there you have set the expectation that the drug will lower blood pressure.

Why most clinical trials are scientifically invalid
It is fascinating, of work, that virtually no clinical trials are ever conducted in this way. Today's drug trials are  universally described to patients along with the expectations of the result. This has been completed for plenty of years under the false belief that the mind somehow played no role whatsoever in the physiology of the body. Conventional medical researchers & scientists incorrectly beli
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