Saturday, November 12, 2011
What is a disease of the lining of the uterus migrans? What is endometriosis
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Lining known as ectopic appearance of the lining of the uterus in other parts of the abdomen outside the uterus, a condition is not cancerous, and most cases are accompanied by the presence of bags on the ovaries usually called chocolate bags.The average age is 27 yearsCauses of the disease is unknown, because despite the huge advances in diagnostic tools may be one of the following reasons that led to the occurrenceDefect in the immune systemImbalance in the hormonesDefect in the genes (one to be sisters or mother has it)How the occurrence of disease
Only theories to explain the matter and most of these theories closer to the logic is in the theory of menstruation reactionary where migrating cells of the lining of the uterus through the fallopian tubes and settle in the abdominal cavity and respond to those cells to hormones, the menstrual cycle to start bleeding from the bleeding which could lead to a further Alatsaqat and inflammation.Symptoms of Ectopic liningMost important is the pain when a sessionIncrease the amount of blood bleeding and change in shape and colorRepeated vaginal infectionsInfertility due to Atsaqat in the fallopian tubes and ovariesOther symptoms related to abdominal Kamel during bowel movements or urine, or sexual intercourse.How to diagnose the disease?Of symptoms during the previousThe existence of clusters in the abdomenBiopsy of the abdomen to make sure there are cells migransCA125 blood test with a high rate of this protein in advanced cases of the disease.MRI to make sure the bags and AlatsaqatSound waves through the vagina to make sure that blood bags on the ovaries.Medical practice in hospitals or private clinicsFirst of pain through anti-pain may range from mild to strong influence by pain.Second, stop the disease and reduce the spread through the lining of the uterus either to reduce ovulation (contraceptive drugs) or reduce the level of estrogen and androgen in the body to prevent ovulation and this prevents menstruation.Third surgery which is twiceThe first lady that you want to have children so that bags are removed and the lining of the abdomenAnd the second woman you do not want to have children so as to remove the uterus and ovaries.
How Ttakin disease?There is no known methodBut early pregnancy and exercise may reduce the chance of disease.Treatment in alternative medicineIf any symptoms of the disease and a person properly, the chances of treatment in alternative medicine are almost complete and the process of selecting the type of treatment varies from one master to another, depending on the symptoms that are complaining of them.Drug combination is chosen based on the answer the following questions
AgeWeight, duration of marriageHave you brought your children, or (number), the nature of workPlace of residence (state)Breakdown of previous treatments and current medications with namesIs the husband is normal, not suffering from any problems in the reproductive
SymptomsFirst abdominal
Bloated feeling thatAbdominal pain during intercoursePain in the abdomen as if the session will comeAnd time of pain am or after midnightAbdominal pain before the outputPain in the abdomen during the outputPain in the groin during the output right or leftAbdominal pain extends to the right or the left hipAbdominal pain extends from the hip to the otherAbdominal pain centered around the navel as if the session will appearSevere pain and a sharp cut side of the abdomen during the sessionUrinationPain during urination or feeling the difficulty out of urine all the timePain in urination, and corrected only in the morningSharp pain while urinating at the time of the menstrual cycleStoolMild diarrhea, lastingPain during stoolThe presence of mucus after defecationLiquid which is passed between the two sessionsColor whiteYellowRed or red strings MoahIs there a burning pain of the liquidSessionIs it a regularDo you offerDo you delayDuration of bleeding is more than 7 days
The external genitaliaIs there any pain during the sessionIs there a sharp or dull pain during sexual intercourseIs there a feeling of swelling Member StateThe back and legsIs there a pain in the back during the sessionIs there a pain in the legs during the sessionIs there a sense of wasted year during the session
Finally, is there no mention symptomsPlease customizedWhat are the results of tests of hormonesCan fallopian tubes impassable or closed byIs uterine size and shape of a naturalIs there a polycystic ovariesAre there adhesions in the uterus, ovaries or abdomen
Treatment usually consists of two or three cans in addition to high doses of medicine to focus the number of 10-15 doses.Adding to the German-made herbal needles are given when needed at any stage after the disposal of the lining migrans so as to strengthen ovulation and configuration of the uterus to receive a fertilized egg.During treatment is a kind of Mrs. tensile, tear light, bowel movement is not voluntary, dull pain in the abdomen a mobile ease these symptoms with the progress of treatment.End Almbelh inflammation and pain from intercourse for the first month of therapy.Treatment does not work on inhibition of ovulation, but works to rid the body of the lining migransDuration of treatmentIf there Tseker in the fallopian tubes we need to 6 months of treatmentIf there is only one who happens bags they grow at the beginning of treatment and then the body from absorbing new has divided into several bags and then disappear, this will take from 3-5 months.How to seek treatmentAnswer to previous questions and send e-mailarabaltmed@gmail.comOr via a fixed phone 0097092388808And then connect to the mobile00970599789059 to confirm the situationWhen taking the treatment should follow the situation on a weekly or even daily basis to know in the development of the disease and intervention in the dosage if necessary.To the success of treatment and knowledge of the progress in the case or bag lining migrans must follow the situation of women and specialist reviewed periodically.Treatment price ranges between 650-940 dollars depending on drugs that enter into the final product.Price includes transmission and follow-upSend via e-therapy is rapid and up to various countries around the world.
This post was written by:ahmedslem
Franklin Manuel is a professional blogger, web designer and front end web developer. Follow him on Twitter
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